Sunday, February 28, 2010

How to Make Money on Internet for beginners

If you're new to the subject of making money online, and you're interested in having to leave your job and work from home.  Be careful, the internet is full of scams that promise you that you will get rich from night to morning, full of people who say they became millionaires and that with their system you too can do it. But anyone with common sense knows that if it did not need to sell anything, if they were rich, would not be trying to defraud people, would be resting on his private yacht.

Before you rush to buy the first course that promises you millions quick and easy, take some time to read this and understand how it is that you make money online and you can more easily distinguish between a course that you're trying to defraud and a legitimate course with which it will learn to make money online.

The first thing you need to know, and if you're a reasonable person would probably not have to mention is that you can not "make money easy and fast." Earning money on the internet takes work, dedication and perseverance.

The first question you have to do before buying anything online is: Does this sound too good to be true? If the answer is yes, then do not buy it obviously is a scam.

Another thing you have to do is if clearly explain what the system to earn money online, many "courses" you say that your system can earn lots of money easy and fast, but they never tell you is that system.

If I were someone looking for information on how to earn money online, take me away from things like paid surveys (also known as paid surveys and paid surveys), programs to earn money for reading e-mails, to surf or click on advertisements ( PTC).

It is important to understand that if you are serious about this to make money online, you need a website that or know how to program applications, but like most people do not know much about programming, the best way is with an informative website.

  In reality the process to make money by intenret is "simple", but not necessarily "easy":
  1. The first step is to choose a niche market, that is a topic for a page.
  2. The second step is to build the page or blog.
  3. The third step is to promote high levels of traffic.
  4. And finally monetize the site, usually with advertising or affiliate programs and collect the money we make.
  If a page does not leave sufficient profits, the process is repeated with another page and so on.

Of these 4 steps the most important is 3, since the money you earn will be directly proportional to your traffic levels, earn money on internet traffic is getting to know first, everything else is secondary.

But getting traffic to succeed are important steps both before, if not choose a theme for your page that could potentially attract many visitors, or if the information you offer is poor and the design is poor, you can not attract enough traffic .

And incredibly the fourth step, that is, placing ads, affiliate programs or products you want to sell, which is also known as "monetizing your site is the least important step.

Ironically, when looking for information on how to make money on the internet, often you meet people who tell you how to monetize a page, ie tell you, you can make money with Google Adsense or you can make money with affiliate programs.

The traffic problem is without any form of monetization works, so any information is useless. So if you really want to make money on Iternet you have to concentrate on getting traffic.

Now the problem is that most people have no idea how to find a profitable niche, nor knows how to create web pages, they do not know which method to use to promote your site.

That's why I recommend the following course: COURSE TO EARN MONEY

Before you leave on the run, let me explain that I recommend:
  • Although showing high levels of profits, clearly mentions that it took time and effort.
  • It promises easy money, but asks you to learn the system it ys all fixtures BOUT
  • Clearly explains the process used, how to find niche markets, such as finding the right keywords, etc..
  • Unlike other courses, the author earns money with websites, others do not tell you that the only way to make money is vendiendote the course!
  • Finally, it offers a free chapter so you can see the content, so this really is not a scam, offering solid information and legitimate, free chapter you can find it here.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

How to invest in major trends of the future

By definition investing involves betting on the future.  Earners with their investments are those that manage to identify areas or activities that will grow more in the future.  So it is so difficult. . Almost need a crystal ball.  Since no one can predict the future, our only alternative is to identify major economic trends that will shape the growth of enterprises.  The following are some of those trends that seem so obvious:
 Emerging countries.  It appears that the future growth of enterprises and economies will result in so-called emerging countries like China, India, Brazil and Russia.  This is because they are countries with large populations that they would sue all kinds of resources that the world will have to produce. They are also countries that in many ways are done because they need all sorts of infrastructure and goods and services.

Clean energy. With the theme of global warming seems very clear that increasingly appreciate more the technologies that prevent pollution of the planet.This indicates that companies are working in these areas have much future.

The health and entertainment for older people.  The population of developed countries is aging. More and more people call the generation or baby boomers born after World War II.  This indicates that companies that provide services to this growing group will have much potential.

After you identify trends in the next step is to identify the mutual funds that invest in companies that are operating in a particular sector or region of the world.  You can use the website to find these estates is a company dedicated to the analysis of investment funds. And the third step is simple: Invest your money in one or more funds that represent the future trends that interest you most.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Step By Step To Make Your Blog Succeess part II

Step 13: Optimize your blog for search engines (SEO)

A good ranking on Google is the best way to drive traffic to your blog. If you use wordpress as a platform for your blog, this article will help optimize your blog to search engines face.

Step 14: Write series of articles

Write a series of articles that have 3 parts is not easy, but worth it because you'll get to encourage readers to return to your blog more frequently. For a new blog is important because even if people like your content, tend not to return.

An authentic genius in these posts is Problogger, which has come to write a series of posts in 31 days!

Step 15: Try different ways to monetize the blog

If one of your intentions is to monetize your blog, you should not try from the beginning. When they have spent a few months and already have a hearing, is the best time to test systems like Adsense, affiliate networks as Netfilia or Zanox, or directly contacting companies interested in sponsoring your blog.

Step 16: It encourages your readers to comment

One of the best ways to get comments on your posts is to ask a question at the end as what do you think about this? Do you have any questions about it? Or phrases like, "If you have suggestions leave a comment"

Gary Vaynerchuk has taken this technique to the extreme in a post which has been said that if not received 600 comments stop blogging, go crack!

Step 17: Appears on "Blogrolls"

You may have noticed that most blogs have a section called "blogroll" or recommended links. Just as you tried to contact other bloggers to write on your blog, try to include some in your blogroll you. You will get direct traffic from the link and it will improve your search engine positioning.

Step 18: Be Personal

To establish a better relationship with your readers not only need to write a good page "About" or "about me", you must also write posts on which tell personal experiences to help you connect more with your readers.

Step 19: Analyze internal search

Using services like Lijit, get to know exactly what you are looking for your readers in your search bar, which can also help to know that you write posts or topics are most interesting.

Step 20: Reduce the ratio of "rebound"

Once you have traffic coming to your blog every day, you can start working on reducing the "bounce rate" (number of people leaving your blog immediately upon arrival).

• Add a widget that displays the most popular posts. Thus visitors can quickly identify the most interesting articles of the blog.

• Enter a "tagline" to describe that is the blog for easy and quick to identify

• Add a brief description of the blog in the sidebar of the blog

Step 21: Use the email marketing

An online marketing technique that works wonders is the email marketing. However, very few bloggers come to understand this. I recommend that from day 1, use your blog as a tool to create a list of subscribers you send the additional content through email. It's another great way to have a better relationship with your readers, another way to generate traffic and above all, a perfect way for possible promotions for your products.

Step 22: Write guest posts on other blogs

Another way to increase your popularity is by writing guest posts on other blogs. Make a list of the most popular blogs in which you may want to write a post as a guest and contact the authors, explaining that you would be interested to publish a guest post on what they write and in what way can benefit their readers.

Step 23: Use the Cross-Linking

One way of achieving greater number of pageviews for each of your readers is to include links to older posts. You can do this in several ways:

• Add a widget that displays a list of related posts at the end of each post

• Ande links to other posts within the content of your articles

• Add a popular posts widget in the sidebar of the blog

The cross-linking is also good for improving your search engine positioning.

Step 24: Analyze is being said about your blog

You have to be aware of what is being said about your blog on the network, using services like Google Blog Search, Technorati and Twitter Search. This way you can monitor that allows you to thank the other bloggers their terms, and thus increase your list of followers and establish relationships with other bloggers.

Step 25: Touch up the design blog

Once you have clear goals of the blog you make changes in design. Depending on whether your goal is to get a large list of emails, more subscribers to your rss, sell more advertising, you should optimize the design of your blog in one way or another.

As last advice I would ask you for patience, because getting a popular blog is something that will take months, years, or maybe even never get it.

Most importantly, you know it's an effort that will result in the medium and long term and that consistency and patience will be your best weapons.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Step By Step To Make Your Blog Succeess

Blogger, but not so easy to make your blog successful.

If you want your blog to stand out and be a reference within your industry, you need to have in mind the following recommendations:

Step 1: Do not throw until the blog is properly configured

Although it is tempting, do not throw your blog until you have the basics in place:

About: It is extremely important to have a page where you explain who you are, some relevant information and the motive for writing the blog.

Contact: Provides a way for readers to contact you.

Design: Although not a unique design and tailor-made, at least use any free template to improve the design aspect that comes by default. Gallery free wordpress themes.

Use Feedburner to analyze how many people are subscribing to your blog via rss.

Install Google Analytics to track Blog Traffic

Step 2: Choose a theme and keep

Although it is your blog, and you can write about anything you fancy, it is best to choose a specific theme, and keep in time. It's easier than a blog becomes popular if it focused on a single topic.

Step 3: Be Consistent

Rate the amount of things you can talk and you have time to devote to the blog and set the frequency with which you are writing. If you are unsure, start writing a post a month, and from there, if you have more time begins to increase the frequency of your posts. One way of losing your hearing is to be inconsistent.

Step 4: Respond to all comments

Now that your blog already has some days you should start to see the first comments. My recommendation is to respond to all comments received. This will help you create a loyal audience to your blog.

5: Be Original

Do not write only about the latest news occurring in your market or about things you've seen on other blogs, and if you do, be sure to give your personal opinion clearly. People read your blog because you write you do not? Then give them what they like and have your say on different issues. "

Day 6: Do not be afraid to "get into puddles"

Many bloggers are afraid to put their true opinions on certain topics, especially when negative opinions. Do not be like most, and not afraid to "get into some puddles" occasionally. Also remember that the dispute or controversy is one of the best ways to get audience. As with most things, you should not abuse it, and write meaningless posts controversial because it may return against you.

Step 7: Differentiate

As for everything else, you're going to have competitors. If you want your readers to choose your blog instead of others, be sure to differentiate yourself somehow and do something that is unique compared to other blogs.

For example, I write on entrepreneurship and marketing, and am trying to differentiate itself by offering very concrete and practical advice that can be done instantly, and get results. That is, not just say that things can be done, but how to do them.

Step 8: Make your readers survey

Now that you have a small audience, use it to ask them directly what type of content they like best, and whys do you want to read. The best way to keep your audience happy is to ask directly what you want to read. Can use polls to make the following services Survey.i or or

Step 9: Turn up your blog with Social Networks

The major sources of traffic to my blog after Google are Twitter and Facebook. Share your content on social networks, especially if they are a more specific niche, a way to attract readers who like to further comment.

Step 10: Make Networking with other bloggers

A great way to increase traffic to your blog is asking other bloggers to talk about your blog. This does not mean you send a mass email to 100 random blogger. Before you contact them directly to ask for a mention on the blog, it is good to let them participate and several comments on several of his posts, so that they know in advance before you contact them.

Step 11: Analyze your stats

Use your Google Analytics statistics and Feedburner to know that posts have more traffic, so you know what really matters to your readers, and so, write more articles appear.

Step 12: Join the conversation

Another way to get traffic is to attract readers and commenting on other blogs that address your own theme, so that a percentage of the people who read these posts visit yours to click on your link. This may take a long time, so it is advisable to do it in the most popular blogs.

Next post...:)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fast Money!! Win Money!!

These article described the way of sending BY MAIL, 1 EURO OR AMERICAN DOLLAR TO JUST 6 PERSONS AND EARNING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN 4 WEEKS. Okay, the more I thought about this, the more excited I as getting. It seemed a scam, but I was curious, so I kept reading.

After meditating it, I decided to give it a try. It is really worth just 6 euros, or 6 US dollars and 6 postage stamps, I spent more buying lottery and I've never won. This is not a scam; is not indecent, is not illegal, and is 99% free risk, it really works if you adhere to the instructions, you will receive extraordinary dividends.

Now you will be part of the mailing lists business. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, is a serviceYou're in the business of developing mailing lists.

Well, first of all, the main purpose of this letter is to convince you that this is an honest, legal and extremely profitable and also a way of achieving excellent earnings in a very short time.

I must also tell you that this system has fulfilled its natural cycle, in other words, has proven its effectiveness and excellent results. Also, this system does not require physical contact with people, nor requires a heavy duty or difficult and the best: you do not have to leave home except to collect their mail. This is a program that uses the electronic medium Global Internet platform, which ensures its operation in perfect shape.

100% OF THE TIME. Thousands of people have used this way to get good capital and start their own business.

Basically, it is possible through a chain that is lead to thousands of people and that will become a reality for you only with your cooperation.

That's why I recommend you carefully follow EXACTLY THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THIS LETTER, saying once more that this is 100% safe and that you will not regret having read this article and putting it in practice ... SHARE AND RECEIVE MONEY FAST ... BY MAIL. THIS REALLY WORKS

STEP 1: Get 6 sheets of white paper and write: "PLEASE ADD MY NAME TO YOUR LIST”. And as a nice thing Then, write your own name, address and e-mail.

And as a nice thing also write in what position was every name of people when you sent your DOLLAR OR EURO (eg "You were in slot 3”), so you can make it more complete.

The goal is to make money and have a good time at the same time, all with good. will. Now bend the page where you have written the above around the 1 Euro coin or 1 US dollar bill.

Do not sent checks or other payments, only Euros or American Dollars.

Put it all inside an envelope and send it to each one of the 6 persons listed, the idea of doubling the paper over the Euro is to ensure that it will arrive at its destination so that is an important thing.

Otherwise the people who works in the mail could detect that there is money inside and they could get the thousands of incoming envelopes, so it is recommended to wrap everything, additionally, in a charcoal paper so noone could see through the envelope.

What we're doing is creating a service and as such, it is COMPLETELY LEGAL. From now on, you are not sending a EURO or one dollar to any person without any grounds, you are paying An EURO or DOLLAR for a legitimate service. Then you must send the 6 envelopes

STEP 2: Listen carefully,
this is the way how are you going to receive money by mail. Look at the list of the six people, clear the name # 1 in the list above, and add yours at the end of it, so the # 2 becomes # 1 and the # 3 becomes # 2, the # 4 becomes # 3 and the # 5 becomes 4 and so on. Look at the list of the six people, So you are now the number 6, include your name, address, postal code, city, state and country So you are now the number 6, include your name, address, zip code, city, state and country

STEP 3: Change everything you think is useful on this article, but try to keep as close as possible to the original.
Now put your article at least 200 newsgroups, also called Newsgroups (there are more than 24,000 groups). You only need 200, but the more numbers you get, the more you will be sent to you.

Here are some Indications of how to break into Newsgroups: HOW TO MANAGE NEWSGROUPS: First, you don't need to write again all this letter to make it yours. Just put the mouse or mouse cursor at the beginning of this letter and select downwards so all the text will be "shady".

Then, press CTRL+C. This way it remains in the memory of your computer. Then open an application preferably NOTEPAD Wordpad or Word. Then, once opened any of these Applications place your cursor at the beginning of a blank sheet of paper and Pressing CTRL+V, so you'll have this letter and you can add your name and address in the # 6 by following the instructions above.

At Last, save this letter with your changes into a new file in the application. THAT'S ALL. All you have to do now is get in different newsgroups, forums, classified or free ads, and so on. and publicate it. Remember that every time you want to do it, just open the saved file, copy it and paste it into the message area the newsgroup, or classified, forum or free ad, and so on.

To reach them, just put into any search engine these terms: newsgroups, discussion forums, classified ads or free guestbooks, and thousands of pages will appear.

DO NOT forget to publish the entire notice or letter with your name on the position 6, disappearing the one which has the number 1; when you acquire practice, it'll only take you about 30 seconds per newsgroup.

It is further recommended that when publishing the description of this article to give it a "trapping name", like: "NEED MONEY FAST? READ THIS ARTICLE" or "NEED MONEY TO PAY YOUR DEBTS? "," DOWNLOAD THIS FILE” AND READ HOW YOU CAN RECEIVE MONEY BY MAIL "and so on. And do not name it: "WIN MILLION IN 1 WEEK",because nobody will take you seriously.

REMEMBER, the more NewsGroups achieved, MORE ANSWERS (AND MONEY) you will receive! BUT YOU MUST ENTER IN AT LEAST 200. READY!

You're getting money from around the world, from places you don't even know in a few days. MAKE SURE ALL ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT ** Now the WHY of all this: from 200 notices sent, let's say you only get 5 replies (a very low example).

If only 6 people respond, this makes:

In the # 6: 6 Euros (US $) In # 5: 36 Euros (US $) In the # 4: 216 Euros (US $) In # 3: 1296 Euros (US $) In the # 2: 7776 Euros (US $) In # 1: 46,656 Euros (US $)

LAST STEP: And this is the step I like JUST SIT DOWN and when you begin to fall short of money, reactivate it and file re-publish this file in the same places where you are going to do it now and new places you'll know in the future.

Always keep on hand a copy of this article, REACTIVATE IT every time you need money. . THIS IS AN UNBELIEVABLE TOOL THAT YOU CAN USE AGAIN EVERY TIME YOU NEED CASH, IT Always keep on hand a copy of this article, IT Reactivate every time you need money. IT IS AN EXTRAORDINARY WAY OF SHARING AND IN WHICH WE ATTRACT WEALTH TO OUR LIVES. HONESTY IS WHAT MAKES THIS PROGRAM SUCCEED.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Want To Win Money??


You do not have nothing to loose, but too much to win: You'll realize that this is something truly smart and it works, and it will make you win some Euros (or dollars) and it just costs 6 Euros (or dollars ) and, that's nothing compared to Which Will give you if you spend time and sacrifice.



When I saw an article saying something about earning money fast . “Well -said to myself-, I have to see what kind of schematic can they show in internet”.

further in the new job postings

Monday, February 22, 2010

5 Tips How To Make Money From our Blog.

Many people who write blogs today simply want to share your opinion on something.

But there are also people with the mentality of doing business, and have found a way to do this through blogs, or weblogs. That's why I wanted to share 5 tips or ways of how to make money from our blog.

While many are known and all it is worth re-reading them and develop a conclusion whether we have achieved or not. And if any of these options you have not exploded, you'd expect.

Sell advertising.

This is probably the most common means to take a blog to generate income. If your goal is to become a well known blog, or one that is acceptable in a particular niche, you can always sell advertising space on your own.

For lesser-known blogs, services like AdSense allows bloggers to generate income, related to its subject by showing ads that are compatible with the contents of your blog, you have to remember that pay is a function of traffic and readers click on their ads.

Help sell other products.

Affiliate programs enable your blog to serve as a conduit between readers and online sites offering various goods and services. One excellent option is ClickBank. We must also mention the company that made the Internet a global market and began to show how the sale of third party products, the name Amazon.

Taking the example of Amazon if your blog talks about book reviews or you simply want to mention a few recommendations, you can opt for this system which great income opportunities.

Solicit donations or contributions.

This strategy depends on your goal. But it might be a good option for generating revenue. We must remember that not all blogs look the same objective and have the same mission, many want the world to share their ideas, others want to do a profitable business.

That's why you can choose to solicit donations or not within your blog. Although I do not believe in the Hispanic market is well seen, in fact, I think many people consider it tacky. I do not know because if the person who wrote the article helped you, why not help him by giving money. Or maybe we are so used to always get things for free (piracy).

Sell your services to your blog.

One of the best ways I've seen that bloggers make money is through the sale of services. It is very common to find bloggers who are designers and have a blog where we teach the trends, developments and news related to the design.

On more than one occasion I had the opportunity to buy designs for blogs by this means, and not only that. Many traditional services are migrating to online services. Some examples might be: online courses, virtual secretaries, product commercialization, and so on.

It is free publicity. If you are considered a guru in your niche, imagine what you might collect.

Use a blog to deepen their relationships with existing customers.

While this is not a way to make money as our blog, if it is a way to maintain our revenues or perhaps to increase them. Since the customer relationships is a fundamental task that anyone who wants to make money you need to accomplish.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

10 Myths About Money and Success

Here are a few commonly held beliefs, or "myths", they gave many of us to claim success ...

Myth # 1: I do not have what it takes to be successful and wealthy.

The Truth: Successful people were not born that way. In fact, many of the most famous people today had very difficult lives. They were normal people, who wanted more. And they decided to do something about it, to change their circumstances. Anyone can do the same, including you and me.

Myth # 2: I have no experience or education in anything.

The Truth: Many successful people started out with no experience. Many studies also fail and never had a good education at school.

The only way to get the right education and experience in something, is it: is starting! . Once you start doing it, learn very quickly.

Think about all the things you can do. Driving a car, ride a bicycle, playing sports, reading, writing, speaking ... even walking! All these things have something in common: at one period of your life, you do not know any of them.

And despite how impossible it seemed then, you decided to do it anyway. You learn by making. You gain experience, to do something a few times. Do it once, twice, three times and you're on your way to becoming an expert in no time

Myth # 3: To be successful I have to start a business, and I was not born to be a business person. I have what it takes.

The Truth: Listen ... I know some people who can barely read or write. And still, they control their own businesses. Give a little scary, I admit. But think about it ... now, at this point, you're already several giant steps ahead of them.

The only difference between a person who thinks starting a business and one which already owns a business is just that. One of them is doing what the other thinks only going to do. Both had the same ideas and dreams. It is also likely that both had the same doubts and fears. But one of them decided to start anyway, take action despite the doubts and fears. One of them decided that if other people could do it, then he could also.

Myth # 4: Money is not important.

The Truth: Tell that to a hungry family right now, or the family that needs money to get medical help for a serious health problem suffered by a family member. They may say the importance of money!

We have been conditioned from Day 1 to believe that money is not important. We have been conditioned to believe that the desire for money is wrong and unethical. And yet, the whole world seems to run after money.

That is one of the biggest myths known to man. And it is one of the main reasons that most people are not rich.

The money is simply a way to measure the amount of value you create for others. If you have a lot of money, this means that you have created many things of value to other people. If you do not have the money that you would like, this simply means that you have not yet found a way to produce the kind of value to others that you are able to generate, or the value they would provide.

Look around the countries and even cities that lack of money. You will find that in those places there are, generally, more crime, more exploitation of people by others, more diseases, more suffering, more deaths, and little or no education.

Maybe money is not the most important thing in life, but now Facing the Facts ... ... Money is devilishly important today, in these times. It is what allows you to buy food, water, shelter, clothing. . It is what allows you to pay medical bills. It's what enables him to help and support others who are around you, including your loved ones. And we know that those are all very important things!

By the way, if you feel it is more important to lend support to others to be rich ... Guess what! The more money you have, can help more! You can do more for others and can help many more people if you have more money.

Only good things can come from having more money.

Myth # 5: Money must be done slowly.

The Truth: Nothing could be further from the truth. The only way to make money is to do it quickly! What good is money if you can not enjoy it now, instead of having to wait twenty years? What good is money if you can not help others right now, instead of having to wait twenty years?

The faster you earn money, the faster you can change to better their lives and the lives of those around him. There's no rule that says the money should be done slowly!

The only way to make money is making it fast!

You will also find that the more money is, the easier it is to do more, because you start changing their approach during the process: survival, comes to the wealth and helping others. And that shift in focus simply attracts more wealth you.

Myth # 6: If you're not born in an environment where there is money and can never become rich.

The Truth: Every day new millionaires are made. Many of them are millionaires, self-taught people who started with nothing or almost nothing and have amassed great fortunes. Just because they decided to not let anyone deter them from achieving their goals.

If you think you have to be born amid the money to be rich, you're missing all the riches that are out there waiting for you to reclaim.

Myth # 7: If I win, someone else will lose out.

The Truth: This is an absolute nonsense of high grade, the highest award of the nonsense! There are plenty of opportunities and enough money around in this world so that everyone can be a winner. In fact, there are more than enough in circulation!

The only reason that there are no winners is because they believe they can do it ethically and morally. Remember the story that says that "the earth is flat"? As soon as you get rid of that belief, begin to be aware of how much richer can be. You also will know how to be a winner, you help others win too!

You can get rich by using ethical and legal means - without having to cheat or hurt others. Indeed, this is the only way I recommend that people do.

The easiest way to become rich is to create value in people's lives. ¡De esa forma no hay perdedores! Thus there are no losers!

Myth # 8: Making money is a sin.

The Truth: If you cheated or hurt others for their own benefit, yes, in that case, profits would be bad. But if you create value for others, to make a profit is always good.

Creating more value for others is helping you to live better lives. There is nothing sinful in helping others, doing a great job, and be paid.

The money does not make good people bad people. Money simply magnifies the qualities that are already inherent and remain within each person. If you're a good person, having more money will allow you to do more good! If you're a bad person, having more money will allow you to do more damage.

And most of us really are good people. We have much to offer others. You can only do better if you have more money.

Myth # 9: Having more money means I have to work very hard all day and not have time for my family, friends and leisure.

The Truth: There is a huge difference between working hard and working smart. Successful people have learned to work smart! They have learned to find other people to success that can model not to commit the same mistakes committed by the others. And that way, you can save time, money and effort, as well as many major headaches.

Getting your business starts to operate, requires work. There is no other way.

But still, you can take time out of business for their loved ones and for your amusement.

In fact, it is highly recommended that you do so.

If you spend all your time trying to keep their business afloat, it is because you are not facing the right thing, or is in the wrong business.

Myth # 10: If I have a lot of money, people will judge me and do not like me much.

The Truth: People will judge him anyway. We are judging now! It's what people do, unfortunately. Most people do not even know who you are! They do not know the "real you". They only know what "you think it is" based on the limited information they have about you. So let them think or feel whatever they want. Do not know any better. And you really should not worry about those people.

Remember that respect and friendship are earned. If you can not appreciate who you are, do not deserve your time or his thoughts.

Many of these myths have been floating around us for hundreds of years and were typically raised by people who knew nothing better. Many of these myths were programmed into us since we were very young.

But now we're adults. We can choose to adopt only those beliefs that benefit us and discard those that were no longer useful and powerless. Everything is in us!

Beliefs are very powerful, indeed. They are, for the most part, dictate the quality of life.

Change your beliefs and life-changing. Free your mind, and success will follow!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Myths About Money and Success

For a long time, people believed the earth was flat and that if you traveled all the way till the end, would fall! . People were trapped and clinging to a world that extended only to what they could see - a world far, far smaller than the actual size of earth.

They were stuck not because that was all they had available to them, but because that's all they thought they had.

They retained that belief firmly, until one day someone showed them they were wrong, going by boat up the world.

And in doing so, opened a new world full of possibilities and opportunities for everyone. The rest of the land became available to them.

Beliefs are a funny creature. See, beliefs are not necessarily based on what is true or feasible in the world. The power of each belief comes only from the believer of that belief, therefore, the strength of his beliefs strongly depends on what you believe to be true.

This means you can believe what you want to believe. Because while you think that's true, is true in your life.

Therefore, you will attract events, experiences and people in your life who disagrees with their beliefs and that, in turn, will further strengthen those beliefs.

The level of success of a person depends greatly on their beliefs, depends heavily on how she or he sees the world through that belief.

For this reason, it is absolutely crucial to adopt only the beliefs that serve you and let go those other beliefs that limit.

For example, in India, a baby elephant is tied with a rope to a weak green branch for a few weeks after birth, and when the animal reaches its full growth, though it could break the flimsy iron chain fastened to a tree or to start the tree root, the elephant will not escape.

Although only a rope is fastened to a branch weak, your body-mind has made a commitment to escape the prison and not while the weak rope is tied to its leg. As he never tried, not knowing what might come out.

We do not always see what is true.We perceive the world based on our beliefs. As we walk through life, we begin to understand that much of what we learned is not very useful.

We began to realize that life is "options" and "elections". We understand that we can decide to believe what we believe. And if a belief is not very useful, we can change it.

You've done it before. It takes courage to be willing to look at your current beliefs and then decide if they serve or sabotage, whether to retain or dispose of them.

But you have that option. You have the power to change their beliefs, and change what is "true" for you.

Follow the continuation of the posting ...:)