Here are a few commonly held beliefs, or "myths", they gave many of us to claim success ...
Myth # 1: I do not have what it takes to be successful and wealthy.
The Truth: Successful people were not born that way. In fact, many of the most famous people today had very difficult lives. They were normal people, who wanted more. And they decided to do something about it, to change their circumstances. Anyone can do the same, including you and me.
Myth # 2: I have no experience or education in anything.
The Truth: Many successful people started out with no experience. Many studies also fail and never had a good education at school.
The only way to get the right education and experience in something, is it: is starting! . Once you start doing it, learn very quickly.
Think about all the things you can do. Driving a car, ride a bicycle, playing sports, reading, writing, speaking ... even walking! All these things have something in common: at one period of your life, you do not know any of them.
And despite how impossible it seemed then, you decided to do it anyway. You learn by making. You gain experience, to do something a few times. Do it once, twice, three times and you're on your way to becoming an expert in no time
Myth # 3: To be successful I have to start a business, and I was not born to be a business person. I have what it takes.
The Truth: Listen ... I know some people who can barely read or write. And still, they control their own businesses. Give a little scary, I admit. But think about it ... now, at this point, you're already several giant steps ahead of them.
The only difference between a person who thinks starting a business and one which already owns a business is just that. One of them is doing what the other thinks only going to do. Both had the same ideas and dreams. It is also likely that both had the same doubts and fears. But one of them decided to start anyway, take action despite the doubts and fears. One of them decided that if other people could do it, then he could also.
Myth # 4: Money is not important.
The Truth: Tell that to a hungry family right now, or the family that needs money to get medical help for a serious health problem suffered by a family member. They may say the importance of money!
We have been conditioned from Day 1 to believe that money is not important. We have been conditioned to believe that the desire for money is wrong and unethical. And yet, the whole world seems to run after money.
That is one of the biggest myths known to man. And it is one of the main reasons that most people are not rich.
The money is simply a way to measure the amount of value you create for others. If you have a lot of money, this means that you have created many things of value to other people. If you do not have the money that you would like, this simply means that you have not yet found a way to produce the kind of value to others that you are able to generate, or the value they would provide.
Look around the countries and even cities that lack of money. You will find that in those places there are, generally, more crime, more exploitation of people by others, more diseases, more suffering, more deaths, and little or no education.
Maybe money is not the most important thing in life, but now Facing the Facts ... ... Money is devilishly important today, in these times. It is what allows you to buy food, water, shelter, clothing. . It is what allows you to pay medical bills. It's what enables him to help and support others who are around you, including your loved ones. And we know that those are all very important things!
By the way, if you feel it is more important to lend support to others to be rich ... Guess what! The more money you have, can help more! You can do more for others and can help many more people if you have more money.
Only good things can come from having more money.
Myth # 5: Money must be done slowly.
The Truth: Nothing could be further from the truth. The only way to make money is to do it quickly! What good is money if you can not enjoy it now, instead of having to wait twenty years? What good is money if you can not help others right now, instead of having to wait twenty years?
The faster you earn money, the faster you can change to better their lives and the lives of those around him. There's no rule that says the money should be done slowly!
The only way to make money is making it fast!
You will also find that the more money is, the easier it is to do more, because you start changing their approach during the process: survival, comes to the wealth and helping others. And that shift in focus simply attracts more wealth you.
Myth # 6: If you're not born in an environment where there is money and can never become rich.
The Truth: Every day new millionaires are made. Many of them are millionaires, self-taught people who started with nothing or almost nothing and have amassed great fortunes. Just because they decided to not let anyone deter them from achieving their goals.
If you think you have to be born amid the money to be rich, you're missing all the riches that are out there waiting for you to reclaim.
Myth # 7: If I win, someone else will lose out.
The Truth: This is an absolute nonsense of high grade, the highest award of the nonsense! There are plenty of opportunities and enough money around in this world so that everyone can be a winner. In fact, there are more than enough in circulation!
The only reason that there are no winners is because they believe they can do it ethically and morally. Remember the story that says that "the earth is flat"? As soon as you get rid of that belief, begin to be aware of how much richer can be. You also will know how to be a winner, you help others win too!
You can get rich by using ethical and legal means - without having to cheat or hurt others. Indeed, this is the only way I recommend that people do.
The easiest way to become rich is to create value in people's lives. ¡De esa forma no hay perdedores! Thus there are no losers!
Myth # 8: Making money is a sin.
The Truth: If you cheated or hurt others for their own benefit, yes, in that case, profits would be bad. But if you create value for others, to make a profit is always good.
Creating more value for others is helping you to live better lives. There is nothing sinful in helping others, doing a great job, and be paid.
The money does not make good people bad people. Money simply magnifies the qualities that are already inherent and remain within each person. If you're a good person, having more money will allow you to do more good! If you're a bad person, having more money will allow you to do more damage.
And most of us really are good people. We have much to offer others. You can only do better if you have more money.
Myth # 9: Having more money means I have to work very hard all day and not have time for my family, friends and leisure.
The Truth: There is a huge difference between working hard and working smart. Successful people have learned to work smart! They have learned to find other people to success that can model not to commit the same mistakes committed by the others. And that way, you can save time, money and effort, as well as many major headaches.
Getting your business starts to operate, requires work. There is no other way.
But still, you can take time out of business for their loved ones and for your amusement.
In fact, it is highly recommended that you do so.
If you spend all your time trying to keep their business afloat, it is because you are not facing the right thing, or is in the wrong business.
Myth # 10: If I have a lot of money, people will judge me and do not like me much.
The Truth: People will judge him anyway. We are judging now! It's what people do, unfortunately. Most people do not even know who you are! They do not know the "real you". They only know what "you think it is" based on the limited information they have about you. So let them think or feel whatever they want. Do not know any better. And you really should not worry about those people.
Remember that respect and friendship are earned. If you can not appreciate who you are, do not deserve your time or his thoughts.
Many of these myths have been floating around us for hundreds of years and were typically raised by people who knew nothing better. Many of these myths were programmed into us since we were very young.
But now we're adults. We can choose to adopt only those beliefs that benefit us and discard those that were no longer useful and powerless. Everything is in us!
Beliefs are very powerful, indeed. They are, for the most part, dictate the quality of life.
Change your beliefs and life-changing. Free your mind, and success will follow!